SLim JeSus 999

Have any of you heard of the song "Drill Time" by Slim Jesus? If you haven't you can find i here.
Now, it may seem like a typical rap song, but it isn't. It's evil.
Drill time is my favorite song. It has always helped me through rough times, such as when my mom beats me at night for playing Minecraft. Anyway, one day I was sitting a home when I saw the mailman pull up and drop a disc at my house. I opened my door and picked the disc up. It read one single, terrifying line.
"sLim JeSus 999"
Now, I've read plenty of lost episode creepypastas, and if you see 666 on a disc it's a good idea to burn it. But his disc said 999, so I knew it was ok. I plopped the disc into the DVD player. I turnt on the TV and prepared to get lit to my white rap, but for a split second, I saw my boy Slim. He was black. Not like the screen was black, no. Even more horrifying, his skin color turned black. I screamed and fell back into the sofa and watched the music video start. Black slim Jesus was hung on a cross, surrounded by people in KKK masks. He looked at the camera and started his rap. But his rap wasn't normal, nor was i distorted. It was ear rape, and the lyrics were different too. He opened his mouth and rapped,
"I like fried chicken, I like cool-aid and basketball"
I let out a screech as the sinful words exited his lips.
"You can find me withoutmy dad, he left my mom, he was trash Y'all.
The stereotypes were spilling out his mouth, and the KKK members were cheering and mocking him. A tear rolled down his African face as he continued. I even cried too, for his face was of pain.
"White people rule me, I pickin cotton my name Tyrone. I see a white girl and I give her the black b0ne"
Oh god, how it hurt to hear the pain and blatant racism. I picked up a knife and began cutting my stomach, ripping entrails out my tummy. The music was forcing me to rip out the blood and gore, eating my entrails like they were little sausages. SLim continued, and when I looked up I saw on the TV screen a pentagram. Could the 999 have been a 666 after all?
"Yea I love satan, hail him and the demon king. We crush god and heaven this is my song, now hear me sing.
I then fainted and died.